Binance Launchpad Open Campus (EDU) Token Pre-sale How to Buy?
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Hi Cryptocurrency lovers, today Binance has announced a new launchpad project, Open Campus EDU token will be released. We have prepared an article for the conditions of participation and the guide video. You are one of the first owners of a new coin to be released at the Binance Launchpad events, you can trade and earn money after Binance lists the new coin in the market section. The latest Space ID token was released at previous Binance Launchpad events, the ID token was priced at 0.3 cents and rose to $1 within a few months. It provided huge profits to its investors. Now you can participate in the Binance Launchpad Open Campus Edu Token pre-sale event. Details are in our article.

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How to buy Open Campus (EDU) Token? How to buy? Worldwide, Video and illustrated narration
1. Open an account on Binance: Click here to open an account with 20% Commission discount.
2. Complete your KYC verification.
3. Deposit with a credit or debit card and buy BNB (Binance Coin).
4. Go to the Launchpad page, click Open Campus Edu Token and continue.
5. Keep BNB coins in your spot account for 5 days. The system will take your average.
6. When the calculation period comes, the system will present your average to you. At this stage, you will lock BNB coins to the system as much as your limit. The system will take your BNB coins from you and will give you Open Campus Edu Tokens.
7. Once the listing is complete, you can buy and sell Open Campus Edu Tokens.
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Prepared by: Emre Ata